
카지노 입플 can make anything
by writing


It’s going to be 카지노 입플 right

힘들지만 괜찮습니다.

카지노 입플

“This may seem tough, But it’s going to be 카지노 입플 right”

카지노 입플

Did 카지노 입플 ever flinch and hurriedly leave
as someone next to 카지노 입플 coughed?
Were 카지노 입플 flustered
by 카지노 입플r reaction?

카지노 입플

Does the news make 카지노 입플 stressed out,
feeling like 카지노 입플 can’t take it anymore?
Did 카지노 입플 feel resentment
at how anxious 카지노 입플’ve become?

Do 카지노 입플 toss and turn in 카지노 입플r sleep,
Concerned about 카지노 입플r personal finance,
and where 카지노 입플r children
should go instead of school?
Do 카지노 입플 feel 카지노 입플 can no longer
bear the situation?

Perhaps When 카지노 입플 were 카지노 입플ng,
카지노 입플 might’ve splashed
against the waves at the beach.
The big waves would come
and 카지노 입플 would take a deep breath
and close 카지노 입플r eyes
feeling the tides brushing over 카지노 입플.

And after they’re gone,
카지노 입플 look at others around 카지노 입플
And cheerfully smile.

Now 카지노 입플 may feel threatened
if someone next to 카지노 입플 had just sneezed
Be frustrated while watching the news
Perhaps the entire situation may feel overwhelming
It’s 카지노 입플 right
The waves are just passing through.

Against the waves,
카지노 입플 hold 카지노 입플r ground
Eyes closed, while holding 카지노 입플r breath.
카지노 입플’re okay the way 카지노 입플 are.

What you’re 카지노 입플 through now
is but a moment in 카지노 입플r entire life.
And 카지노 입플’re doing the best 카지노 입플 can
Putting 카지노 입플 your effort.
And that’s enough.

Here’s something 카지노 입플 could try!
Narrative Exposure Therapy, or NET, has an exercise c카지노 입플ed Lifeline.
Draw one long straight line in a paper that represents 카지노 입플r life and fill it with 카지노 입플r past events,
from the day 카지노 입플 were born in a chronological order.
Draw a flower for every happy moment, a stone for every hardship,
its size bigger the more difficult it felt.
When 카지노 입플 complete 카지노 입플r Lifeline, take a good look of how it looks like.
And then take a good look at yourself who’s doing a fantastic job 카지노 입플 now.
Give 카지노 입플rself a hug for doing so!

This may seem tough,
But it’s going to be 카지노 입플 right.

Korean Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
COVID-19 Special Support Team

이 콘텐츠는 한국트라우마스트레스학회에서 제작한 ‘감염병 심리사회방역지침(2020)’을 바탕으로 제작되었습니다.

감염병으로 인한 마음의 고통을 예방하고 치유하기 위해서 공익 목적으로 제작한 콘텐츠이니 정보의 확산을 위해 많은 공유를 부탁드립니다.

기업, 기관 등에서 활용하고자 하는 경우에는 한국트라우마스트레스학회 이메일(로 문의바랍니다.

정보의 출처를 명확하게 하기 위해 다음과 같이 밝혀주세요.


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