"We cannot determine the occurrence of a 슬롯, but we can determine how to deal with the 슬롯."
"In this kind of 슬롯 situation, it is easy to be misled by vain rumor, or to blame others. Each person has different coping style and coping speed. The most important thing is to respect each other's different ways. Some people overcome this crisis by helping others, but others need their own time and space. In such a case, respecting the reaction and attitude of others is the first and most important aspect. Some people do not want to receive help, so it's important to let them know that they can get support anytime they want it. It is important for us to acknowledge that each person has his or her own way rather than an attitude that labels certain things as right and others as wrong."
TBS eFM "This Morning" w슬롯h Alex Jensen. 101.3 Mhz 7:30 AM. 22 Nov 2017