Kyewolhyang, you lie buried on the bed of the earth, never abandoning 슬롯 꽁 머니 last beautiful and deadly smile.
I am weeping over both 슬롯 꽁 머니 friendliness and heartlessness.
Those who fish at the Daedong River listen to 슬롯 꽁 머니 song and those who have fun at night at Moranbong see 슬롯 꽁 머니 face.
Children memorize 슬롯 꽁 머니 living name and poets sing for 슬롯 꽁 머니 dead shadow.
Men are bound to go away from this world, leaving lasting regrets.
Do you have anyunforgettableregret or not? If any, what is it?
You do not say what you want to.
슬롯 꽁 머니 red regrets become a flaring evening glow, blocking the road to the sky, and trying to get back the desolate, falling day.
슬롯 꽁 머니 blue anxieties become the long drooping branches of a willow tree, desperatelyholdingthe passing spring that is going to follow its doom’sway,leavingthose myriad crowds of flowers.
I willputthe morning sunshineona golden bowl and hang a new spring on the branch of apricot, softly laying it beside 슬롯 꽁 머니 bed.
Well, then, you, Kyewolhyang, fall in love, shortly in a day or long through the winter.
* Han, Yong-woon(1879-1944) : Korean poet, monk, independence activist, and Buddhist socialist. His secular name was Jeong-ok, his Buddhist name was Yong-un, and his pen name was Man-hae. He planned the March 1st Movement in 1919 during the Japanese colonial period and signed the Declaration of Independence.
* Kyewolhyang : She was a 'gisaeng'(courtesan) in the 16th-century Korea when the Japanese army invaded the Korean peninsula. During the war time, she killed the commander of the enemy troop as an act of patriotic sacrifice. The word, Kyewolhyang, is also the name of a flower, a variation of the Korean national flower ‘Mugunghwa, the Rose of Sharon.’
* The Taedong River : A river inthe northern part of the Korean peninsulathatflowsthrough Pyongyang, the capital of now Communist North Korea. Kyewolhyang lived in Pyongyang when she killed a Japanese commander.
* Moranbong : The highest peak of Mt. Kumsoo in the Pyongyang area, where it overlooks many historic sites and is well-known for its beautiful landscape.
16세기 임진왜란 당시 일본의 적장을 암살한 의기(義妓) 슬롯 꽁 머니을 추모하는 한용운의 시이다. 일본의 식민통치를 겪으며 승려로서 시인으로서, 삼일운동의 중심인물이자 독립선언서에 서명했던 만해 한용운, 그는 해방 한 해 전인 1944년 안타깝게도 세상을 등진다. 이 시는 논개와 마찬가지로 기생의 신분으로 일본의 침략에 항거했던 한 여인을 통해 주권을 상실한 조국의 모습을꽃에 비유해그려내고 있다.나라를 잃은 설움이,목숨을바친 여인의 한이, 아프고 시려도 한 계절 내내 꽃처럼 피어나길!